Timely Exit


You know those moments in conver-sation when every joke you say is hilarious; every fact you spit out is extremely inter-esting; and that charm you have is beyond irresistible? Well, I call that the peak of your contribution in that conversation. No matter how interesting of a person you are you will eventually run out of interesting things to say. This is the point of the conversation where you leave! Maybe for an hour or even 15 minutes, but make sure you leave the conversation on a high note. Say you have to make a phone call, or you are meeting a friend, or even that it was nice to talk to them and that you will see them again later in the night. Be sure to get their contact information to stay in touch if you don’t have it already. I frequently do it even if those are the only people whose company I enjoy at the time. I know that I can always come back later. When you leave and the conversation goes south, since you left on a high point, they will all think in the back of their head that you were responsible for it. You can come back later, and you always have their contact information if you want to reach out to them in the future. At this point, I always do a lap, even if it is around the bar or nightclub. I may even go to my car just to make sure it’s parked in the same spot. It is much better to leave at the highpoint of conversation and to come back later than it is to talk yourself out. You would rather leave on a high note be-cause then later when the person you were speaking to thinks about that conversation, you’re related to it positively. Who knows, maybe, later this person might send you a text because they thought about it.

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