How to properly touch someone


assion and attraction are two very important things in a relationship. Some people are naturally caring and touching to the point where the passion and attraction are there and they don’t have to work for it. Other people, probably like yourself, need to work on it. Some people, upon meeting someone new, try so hard to pass that point where they can go from a friend to a lover, that they can never seem to make it happen. Do you ever wonder why? It’s because the connection between both parties lacks the passion or sexual arousal to make you jump to that point.

Take animals for example. From what we have seen on animal shows, the zoo, or wild animals, they don’t court each other with conversation. They court each other by the sense of touch. By rubbing, touching, holding, and hugging, they create physical attraction, which we call foreplay. We humans are not that different from animals. After all, we are animals. Most of us get too caught up in conversation though, and we forget about the touch barrier. You need to break it as soon as possible.

Studies have shown that handholding and face touching express intimacy, which can lead to building rapport. Touch (also known as Kino, short for kinesthetic) is crucial for it can also build trust amongst two people. For example, handshaking expresses receptivity and trust. Touching increases desire between two people, especially when used with the combination of eye contact. It can increase someone’s romantic perspective of you. So any opportunity when you are walking through a crowd with a person you desire who is holding your hand and leading you, you should not let go until they initiate it because subconsciously it is making that person more comfortable with you.

When meeting someone new or trying to create a spark you never had with someone you already know, the main thing to be concerned with is touching while not making them feel uncomfortable. When greeting someone, give him or her a hug. When at dinner, be sure to sit beside them and have your bodies touch with your legs, foot, or even shoulders. When someone says something funny, give him or her a high five or pat on the back. If it is someone of the opposite sex, give them a gentle high five and hold it there then let your fingers slide off each other slowly. When you are speaking to someone and trying to grab their attention, try to touch their hand to initiate contact between them. If you are guiding someone, put your hand on his or her lower back and guide him or her through the crowd with you. If you’re trying to cause a spark between someone you already know, it may be a little easier than you think. Mostly because it won’t be nearly as awkward as if you just met someone and you keep touching them. With someone you know, you have the ability to touch him or her without the other person making a big deal out of it because that person has known you for a while. Find any opportunity to touch them from a hug, to a handhold to move them to another direction or introduce them to someone, to even a laugh and slight touch behind the elbows. My favorite spot is behind the elbow- right above where the elbow and triceps meet – it’s crucial. It is a somewhat sensitive spot, and it doesn’t imply anything sexual, It actually doesn’t imply anything at all, but it is doing something very important: breaking the touch barrier.

The power of touch is underestimated for it can be very influential. For example when dealing with a family member or lover if you are asking them to do something for you, maybe make you a sandwich or take out the trash, if you ask them in a soft voice and break the touch barrier, like a soft touch to the upper arm, they are more likely to respond in your favor. Even when asking them a question where they would usually respond “I don’t care whatever you want” like asking them where they want to eat. If you do it by breaking the touch barrier they are more likely to give you an answer to your question.

Touching can lead to many things from attraction to persuasion. Studies have shown that touching has led to bigger tips. Store greeters who touch customers who walk into the store actually influences the customers into staying longer, and even people responding to a request of yours will respond positively. Touching can be very influential to someone but you’re not always in a position where you can break the touch barrier. When you are dealing with someone in a position of power like a boss or an officer of the law it’s not always that easy to break the touch barrier but if you can you are increasing your chances of getting that day off or getting off that ticket for speeding!



The following is a 4-step process on touching:


1. Start with social touching- [1]intro and outro are most important so make sure to capitalize on it because you only have that opportunity once every visit. A slight touch to the hand when speaking about something that involves emotion, like a sad story or a happy moment, will go a long way. Also, you can give a touch on the shoulder to grab their attention or to introduce them to someone else.

  1. Go on to friendly touching- now that you have passed being acquaintances and you are friends, you two are more comfortable, and you can get away with a lot more. Including having your arm around them if they are sitting next to you (just above their shoulders on their chair.) You can give them a hug or play footsy under the table. Also don’t forget touching shoulders when sitting next to them!
  2. Bring in Intimate touch- now that you are passed the friendly stage, you can bring in the intimate touch! Hold hugs for longer, brush their hair out of their face or behind their ear and move in to tell them a secret in a low voice up close. You can throw your arm around them, and without worry they will be cool with it. Just make sure you don’t put your dead weight on thembecause it can get annoying!
  3. Find a place for sexual touch- well to point out the obvious, you must not do this in a public place, at least not the first time. This step requires time and privacy. When the time is right, though, the possibilities are endless. Make the kiss more passionate; use more tongue, but not too much. When holding them, touch closer to the sensitive places that you wouldn’t be able to touch in public from the top of the back to the rear down to the thigh. When you do this right, take it from there to foreplay, which will then lead to sex.

Touching, if introduced properly and repetitively, will then become something natural, which will lead to more passion and cooperation between both of you. You will leave the person more satisfied and agreeable. Sex will get better! Touching and cuddling has been proved to release oxytocin. Also a little touch here and there may get your friend or partner to accept your request! So don’t you ever forget to touch them and then ask your favor.

There are people you love touching you, and there are people you can’t stand. The example I am going to give is when I’m with my guy friends. Most recently, it was at a music festival. When the song drops at the good part of the song, they put their arm around my shoulder. I am completely cool with that, but after the song is over they keep their arm around me. I know it’s only good intentions, but I’ve had this conversation with multiple people a million times and some people just don’t like it. I don’t make it a big deal because they are truly doing it because they like me, but sometimes, especially for the guys larger in size, an arm around the shoulder can be a little overwhelming. I can’t speak on behalf of women, but a girl friend of mines exact words were “don’t be so overbearing.” Make your presence short, quick, and enjoyable.

My personal experience with women is that, since I am stronger than most of them, I have the ability to grab them by the waist and pick them up in the air. I then put them back on the floor, and afterwards they usually enjoy it so they turn around and stay or start conversation with me. Be quick with your touches; it’s better to touch someone every 5 minutes for 30 seconds than every 15 minutes for 2 minutes. Short and sweet! It leaves them wanting more. If you ever doubt yourself in this case, less is more. If they want you to touch them, believe me, they will break the touch barrier, which opens up the gates to be all touchy-touchy.

The sense of touch is a very powerful tool. Your rapport grows with how much you touch each other. As conversation moves along and you two are more comfortable with each other, things you say can cause an appropriate touch like a playful shove or a playful slap on the hand. Notice that the more comfortable you are with someone and they are with you the more touching there is between you. For example, when you are on a date and it’s going along great, you and your date may be touching feet under the table or holding hands on top of the table.

People who don’t know me may think I am a very touchy person, but in reality I am just trying to make them comfortable with me. Sometimes when talking to someone next to me, if they say something comical, I will laugh and put my arm around their shoulders for a second. I give them a nice little tug in, look at them, smile,and thenIlet go. Small things like that subconsciously tell the person that you are comfortable with them and may cause them to be comfortable with you. Remember, as strong and helpful as the sense of touch may be, it can also be very dangerous. As much as it can make a person feel very comfortable with you, it can also make them be very annoyed with you. Remember to use the sense of touch in small doses because it can either make or break your relationship.


[1] When you meet someone and get introduced you have the opportunity to touch him or her by saying hello. Also when you are saying goodbye you have the opportunity to touch them during your farewell.



Life Without Dreads


If you told me 6 years ago the next time I would get a haircut would be in my kitchen by 20 different people I wouldn’t have believed you. July 5th 2014 I sat in my kitchen with my closest friends and family as they as they all cut my hair one dread at a time. I knew this moment was going to come with the release of my book, so I had months to emotionally prepare myself. People are scared of change, but not me; I welcome it with open arms. Embrace it as if it’s my own. The beauty about change is if you don’t like it… you can keep changing.
Earlier that week I started prepping for the change. I bought myself a yoga mat, work out gloves, iPod headphones, Beats by Dre wireless boom box, new clothes, hats, weight gainer, pre-workout, protein, and Rosetta Stone. It’s been said that it takes a month to form a habit. I felt with this drastic change in my life of cutting my dreads, turning 25, and releasing ’Socially Accepted’ I could become what I always wanted to become; the best version of myself possible.
In order to form these habits, I couldn’t expect for it to happen overnight. So the week before I quit promoting, I created a healthy sleep schedule, started Duolingo + Rosetta Stone, eating healthy, playing piano and working out regularly. The biggest thing for me was quitting the nightlife because then I could wake up early. Truth is, someone can give you all the advice in the world about being productive, but none of it compares to the gem I am going to give you now. The best way to be productive is to wake up early.
With this new change, I wanted to create meaning behind everything. So, I created a new vision board along with a bucket list. The vision board was very personal, but the bucket list I grabbed from a lot of the ideas I found on the internet. One of the things I found for my bucket list was to write a letter for myself in 10 years. I saw that and I did one better, I decided to record a video for myself in 10 years. So I sat in my room alone, just a camera and me. The last video I would ever have of myself with dreads. Telling the future me who was hopefully retired, married and happy how excited I am for this change. What is going on with my life, what projects I’m looking forward too, the publishing of Socially Accepted, my family, my friends, my hopes, and even my dreams. That video itself made this transition so much easier.
So, now to the moment of truth as each slice with the scissor takes a part of me away. I tried to lighten up the moment and have my friends guess how many dreads are on my head. The guesses ranged from 60 to 150. My friend Jenny got closest (besides me of course) with 80. The correct guess was 82. She won the prize of keeping a dread; she didn’t take it. We started with cutting the dreads on the back of my head so I could look normal. Once we started cutting the ones on the sides and front things got emotional. One of my friends started crying, which then started a chain reaction. The moment I had been waiting so long for had finally come and the first thing that came to my mind when I saw myself hairless for the first time in the mirror was “I look like I’m 12 years old.”
I thanked everyone for coming, took a picture holding my dreads, posted it on social media with the hash tag #NewBeginnings, and got myself a real haircut. After I got my haircut, I remembered the ride home, holding my head out the window like a dog on a joy ride, feeling every piece of wind hitting my scalp for the first time in half a decade. It was calming. I arrived home to change and continue celebrating my birthday. I showed up a little later than usual. I wore an American flag scarf over my hat to replace my dreads because I couldn’t get used to being hairless. I arrived to the table with everyone wishing me a happy birthday but none realizing what I had done. My friend saw my media post and wanted to see my new haircut. The next thing that happened made the last 6 years all worth it. I removed the scarf and lifted up the hat. Screams and cheers exploded from everyone around me and it felt as if every other person would then congratulate me on the book and tell me how proud they were of me. It made me very excited for the future.
Without change we’d all be at a standstill. Yes, sometimes bad things happen, but it’s through those dark times that we learn our most valuable lessons. Every experience in life crafts us to be the person we are today. So, how is life without the dreads? Well, I can now take a quick shower first thing in the morning and before bed (as opposed to my hour long showers), I can drive with my windows down and without hesitation jump off a boat into the water or go to the beach without the fear of sand getting in my hair. I don’t even have to worry about my hair all in the face of my partner during playtime. It feels as if I’ve been given a second chance; reborn again. I have my priorities aligned, along with my goals and dreams. My bucket list isn’t filled with things that would make me happy, but things that would excite me. My last gem to you would be if you want something, choose excitement over happiness. If you fail finding happiness you end up with sorrow. If you fail finding excitement, you have an adventure. Excitement is precisely what you should strive to chase. It is the end-all cure-all.


The Head Nod


Sometimes keeping it cool is the best thing you can do. I know you would love to make best friends with that person of interest, but sometimes the best solution is to just wait. If you act like they’re too important, they’ll treat you like you’re not important. When it comes to this situation, just keep the conversation light and casual, do your thing, and wait for the right moment to strike.
I always recommend greeting someone when you have the opportunity, but sometimes you can’t find a good moment. This is when the head nod comes into place. Make eye contact, wait for them to acknowledge you, nod your head, and then do your thing. The good thing about the head nod is it’s a greeting in itself, and if there comes a point where the opportunity arises, you are able to greet them again later. At this point you can start conversation. Remember to be yourself and be cool. Never seem over eager to see someone for it puts you in a position of lesser value, which can lead to the person of interest feeling as if you were a groupie. You’ll never find a superstar trying to befriend a groupie unless they are infatuated with their looks. So just relax for when the time is right; you’ll do just fine.


Sense of Smell


To women, their perfect man has to appeal to every sense that they have. They need to appear beautiful to their eyes, sound soothing to their ears, run goose bumps when experiencing their touch, and especially smell unique whenever brought close to their nose. Stay hygienic. There is nothing in this world that can beat something that smells delicious. If you smell better than the competition, you are already a step ahead of them. I have also heard that, if you wear the same cologne as the father of the girl you are trying to impress, it usually works in your favor.

The following list contains the top colognes on the market for men in no particular order

• 212
• Hugo by Hugo Boss
• Polo Sport by Ralph Lauren
• Gucci
• Weekend Burberrys
• YSL (Smells great but short duration)
• Drakkar
• Armani
• Claiborne Sport by Liz Claiborne
• 360
• Dolce & Gabbana
• Fahrenheit by Christian Dior
• Cool Water
• CK1 by Calvin Klein
• Eternity for Men by Calvin Klein
• Tommy by Hilfiger
• Nautica Green
• Black Jeans by Versace
• Fuck Oil by Dusty
• Fruits and Passions

Women, for as long as I can remember, love cosmetics. They take care of themselves more in a day than any man does in a week. Women are more conscious to smell than men because they have been taking care of their bodies for many years. So any efforts you undertake to control and make yourself better will not go unnoticed. If you don’t use aftershave, I suggest you start. Women tend to smell this and love it when they are able to guess what brand you use, which leads to my next point. You should use a popular brand that may be easier for them to recognize because if they do, they will immediately gain interest in you. It provides a topic for you to talk about and leaves them feeling at home. Most men don’t use aftershave, so this helps give you a leg up on the competition.
The list that was just provided is the list of the top colognes, which means that they are popular, and women have a higher chance of recognizing them. Do not hesitate to ask women their opinion on cologne and aftershave. Experiment and see what reaction you get. I use three colognes: one is for daytime hanging out; another is a sportier type; and another for nighttime socializing. Also, don’t forget, if the brand is popular as a cologne, it is most likely popular as an after-shave as well.


Timely Exit


You know those moments in conver-sation when every joke you say is hilarious; every fact you spit out is extremely inter-esting; and that charm you have is beyond irresistible? Well, I call that the peak of your contribution in that conversation. No matter how interesting of a person you are you will eventually run out of interesting things to say. This is the point of the conversation where you leave! Maybe for an hour or even 15 minutes, but make sure you leave the conversation on a high note. Say you have to make a phone call, or you are meeting a friend, or even that it was nice to talk to them and that you will see them again later in the night. Be sure to get their contact information to stay in touch if you don’t have it already. I frequently do it even if those are the only people whose company I enjoy at the time. I know that I can always come back later. When you leave and the conversation goes south, since you left on a high point, they will all think in the back of their head that you were responsible for it. You can come back later, and you always have their contact information if you want to reach out to them in the future. At this point, I always do a lap, even if it is around the bar or nightclub. I may even go to my car just to make sure it’s parked in the same spot. It is much better to leave at the highpoint of conversation and to come back later than it is to talk yourself out. You would rather leave on a high note be-cause then later when the person you were speaking to thinks about that conversation, you’re related to it positively. Who knows, maybe, later this person might send you a text because they thought about it.


The Alpha Being


An alpha male isn’t something you can explain in one sentence because it isn’t just one thing. An alpha male is a real man that has multiple characteristics other men dream about having. An alpha male is in peak physical shape. He is strong and athletic, which is appealing to the opposite sex. When danger comes knocking, the alpha male is there and can defend himself, his family, or even the people around him. The alpha male can entertain. He is funny and can have a group of strangers hanging on his every word. You want to strive to be an alpha male.

The alpha male has many interesting stories to tell because the alpha has experienced life. He has made mistakes, but who hasn’t? He can turn those mistakes into humor and a learning experience. The alpha male is persistent. Quitting is out of his head, for if he wants something he gets it. The alpha male does not know what fear is for he is courageous. He knows fear exists, but chooses to overlook it and fight it every chance he gets. The alpha male might be superior to all other men, but he is still humble. He has the ability to laugh at himself and stay down to earth. He is educated. Education does not mean that you have a degree, but he can hold himself in intellectual conversation with those who master their craft.

The alpha male has a purpose in his life. While others wander around life trying to figure it out, the alpha male is there perfecting his craft and creating himself. Every day he is one step closer to his goals. He never wanders, he travels, and everyone around him can see that. When he speaks he understands that his words have value. He doesn’t talk just to talk; he picks the words to say carefully. He understands that he has power and respects it. He never abuses it, for he always remains humble. The alpha male is never the loudest person in the room. He only speaks when he has something to contribute. He is a man’s man. Not saying he is the toughest or a hard person to like, but he is someone you wouldn’t mind hanging out with or drinking a beer with.

Alpha males fail, but they don’t fail like regular people. They fail and create a learning experience from it. They are leaders but not by telling people what to do. Instead, they lead by example. They are caring and generous; the first to help their fellow man and woman. The alpha male is a genuine person. He doesn’t go out of his way to make sure everyone is happy, but, instead, does his part and contributes when he can. He doesn’t care for other people’s opinions. He does respect his woman, cherishes the ground she walks on, but that is because she herself is an alpha woman. He knows how to pick her. He doesn’t pick a woman who controls his life or gets jealous over the small things. He picks a woman that betters him.

The alpha male has style and class. He is up to date with the latest fashion and starts some of his own trends in the meantime. He knows exactly who he is and doesn’t need to pretend to be something that he is not. He is not a worrier but a warrior. He doesn’t start fights, for he isn’t a bully. He never attacks, but he will defend. He stands his ground and avoids conflict when he can, but if the situation calls for it, he will never back down.

Most importantly, the alpha male does not try to be an alpha male. He becomes the best man he can possibly be for him and him only. Not to satisfy the opinion of others, but only to be able to contribute more in this world. He lives each day that goes by as if it were his last by giving more to this world than he takes. Strive to be this man for the world could use more alphas. Don’t do it for the girl. Don’t do it for the promotion. Do it for yourself. Do it so you can be the best you that you can possibly be and so that you can help change this world for the better. For when your time is up, the world will know that it was you who made all the difference.